Kris sighed as she let her hair down, the tight bun spilling a cascade of dark red ringlets down to her lower back.
Her face, framed by red ringlets, was a picture of concern.
Jennsen swept her hand back over her head, under her hood, replacing the red ringlets that had fallen out.
As she watched the nearest Princess, a girl with red ringlets, she saw her finally achieve her goal, her face blood red, her whole body gone to violent quivering.
He could tell little about her hair, but a dark red ringlet curled tightly against her face.
She is described as spindly with long red ringlets.
Holder knew the face as well as his own: shiny cheeks, matted red ringlets of hair, lips of baby Eros.
Jennsen asked, panting, still catching her breath as she pulled strands of red ringlets off her sweaty face.
Pulling on a red ringlet, she cast a shy glance at the men.
Erin played with her daughter's red ringlets.