Do you want the blue or red pajamas?
Instead, he had been in bed beside her, wearing the striped red pajamas she had given him for Christmas last year.
There is Mike at about 3, in red pajamas and a top hat.
Gasping for breath, he shouted, 'I just saw a man in red pajamas jumping out of your window and go running up the road!
I thought that looked mighty suspicious, a man jumping out the window in red pajamas.
Come on, Nippy, get your flying suit on over those red pajamas and let's go.
I was just thinking," G-8 said, "what a funny picture you'd make to a ghost in that cemetery in those red pajamas.
Nippy appeared in the open apartment door in his flaming red pajamas.
He was still wearing the fur coat and his red pajamas.
I mean, you're young again, and I'm sittin' here like a French fry in red pajamas.