Heat until a red oil distills up from it, and draw that off.
Its wooden walls are painted with red oil to resemble brick, and the rooms come to be known as the "red chambers".
This red oil, particularly when aged, forms a more sticky heavy oil that is difficult to separate.
The bus gave two jolts, then as the brakes were applied the locked wheels slid on a slick of red oil.
Blood lay like red oil on every surface that faced the explosion.
Enemies that are killed explode into large gushes of blood-like red oil.
Boil for a few minutes, stirring well, until red oil separates from the coconut mixture.
More red oil was spilled on the floorboards.
He imagined it sitting there in the shed, waiting, a trace of red oil glinting on one of its teeth.
Menace radiated from it, and the red oil seemed brighter.