And Jack pulled out a pair of red mittens with the air of a boy used to giving away.
Mary turned and waved last of all, Esther's package in her hand, a white square in her bright red mittens.
His red mitten fumbled at his waist, producing a dagger similar to the one Bertram kept stabbing at the intended victim.
Carefully stifling the soft cry, he plunged the other needle through the red mitten that had a smiling kitten face sewn on the back.
She'd given her one red mitten with a smile face and a blue-and-green-checked one.
She put on her camel coat, red mittens and beret in the kitchen and stepped out the back door.
His arms are orange and he wears red mittens.
His fur is blue, he always wears red mittens, and he belongs to an old woman with failing sight.
She remembered one which had been exhibited to her during lunch that afternoon up at North Rhinehill; and she remembered red mittens also.
The other night, when I thought, "I wanna be a Canadian," it was because of the red mittens.