The man who had been driving was holding the girl in the red jumper, who had a cast on her right leg.
During colder months, red jumpers are permitted for outside activities; together with black joggers.
This replaced the much derided grey and red jumper of 2008.
The club wears a red, yellow and black jumper and has the mascot the Sharks.
At the end, the wrestlers turn on the man wearing the red jumper, and Kimbra knocks him out.
During the 1990s they also introduced the reverse of the traditional guernsey with a white V on a red jumper.
Get out of here, Gert, Norman thought at the big black woman in the red jumper.
It's uniform is a white polo shirt with a red jumper with the school logo on it.
Its uniform is a red jumper or fleece with a white shirt.
Glenroy are known as the Wallabies and wear a red jumper with a white sash.