Inland, the rich red of the plough fields glowed in the sunshine.
Its stonework and that of the cathedral glowed a warm red in the fading sun.
In the foreground of the captain's vision, out at the edge, the bright red of the fire extinguisher glowed in contrast with the rest.
Harsh reds and yellows glowed in the dark.
Again, as in the long ago, the lurid red of fire glowed within the stone kiln at the end of the enclosure, with its open flue above; once used for turning iron bars red-hot or melting dipperfuls of lead.
Even though Snelz was five hundred feet away, the red of the captain's locket glowed in the morning sun!
The vibrant red, gold, and magenta of the zinnias glowed in the half-light as if illuminated from below.
The bright, blotchy red of the poison ivy glowed, even in the dimness of the firelight.