Last month I cut several outer stems from a favorite red geranium.
Gradually, the red geraniums have been replaced with species that existed in the 18th century, but no sweeping changes are expected.
I wonder he hasn't put beds of red geraniums and calceolarias all round the house!
In the window box, rows of red geraniums, their petals already swollen by the sun, stood tall.
- at the big, green tree, then spin in place twice, go past the red geraniums - beautiful, have you seen them?
The center court is lined with perfectly trimmed red geraniums.
Then she laughed, 'You're his double - apart from the red geranium!
And in her hand she was still holding the red geranium.
Ever wonder why it's so much easier to find a red geranium than a pink one?
It fluttered toward a patch of red and pink geraniums.