One little girl who came to stay with him was absolutely forbidden to wear a red frock, of a somewhat pronounced hue, while out in his company.
She had become a woman, her red frock now clinging to a full, round figure.
She was dressed in a red and white frock of poor but clean material.
On the west wall, a European woman in a smart red frock sews on a treadle machine.
As friend Arthur would say when he put on his red frock!
And she did, in a red frock open at the neck, and without sleeves.
Her face was turned away as we entered, but we could see that she was dressed in a red frock, and that she had long white gloves on.
'You'd have burned your red frock,' said my mother acidly.
Anna hovered nearby, feeling, in red frock and lipstick, like a ghoulish matron.
She had on a red frock with white dots on it.