Something red flickers in the mouth of the cave.
The Shadow heard it; and peering through the window, he could catch the red flicker of a blinking warning light, beside the single track.
And Jerry wriggled in ecstasy under the god's caress, kissing the hand with a red flicker of tongue.
Then his eyes caught a red flicker to the left.
He peered through the haze, feeling the heat grow about him, seeing red flickers from down the hallway at the back of the building.
From this angle, all she could see was the swift red flicker of the instrument panel as it responded to the pilot's stabbing fingers.
From inside the other sleeve he caught a red flicker of readouts from a biomonitor.
Smoke drifted above the cliflftops and he thought he detected the red flicker of a fire.
But now the window blinds were drawn tight, and the only light was a dull red flicker from the artificial fireplace.
The fire had died so that only an occasionally deep red flicker showed among the coals.