To reach the house, proceed up Church Street opposite Macy's and turn left on Park Avenue to the red farmhouse.
We drove down one dirt road and turned onto another, finally glimpsing a restored red farmhouse.
It is a big patch of rolling land with a cute red farmhouse and a quiet little creek.
It outlasted the curve, and on the far side Ralph saw a red farmhouse on the left.
The field where we play is bordered in the outfield by split-rail fences, woods and a restored, red farmhouse.
Take a left after the red farmhouse with the two barns.
Beyond the hedge, he saw a low red farmhouse with a big barn.
We pulled up to the red farmhouse complete with fake silo.
Hawthorne and his family had moved to a small red farmhouse near Lenox, Massachusetts, at the end of March 1850.
A red farmhouse and barn appeared, the barn to the right with a wagon parked near the southeast corner.