Megan looked down at her tunic and adjusted the sleeve, tugging at the small red embroidery.
Barry thought of Roselle in the silk dressing gown with the red embroidery that she had bought in Portugal.
She was wearing jeans and a white blouse with red embroidery decorating its scalloped scoop neck.
The early kanthas had a white background accented with red, blue and black embroidery; later yellow, green, pink and other colours were also included.
Lying on a dead-black cloth, the red embroidery was quite startling.
The huge ballroom rug (rolled up for dancing, of course), a rich tangle of red and gold embroidery, lay undisturbed on the floor.
The 1939 evening dress in ivory cotton organdy, with red, white and blue embroidery, was part of a "tricolor" collection celebrating French nationalism.
Antique dresses from Sinai in heavy black cotton dripping with red, green and yellow embroidery were $125.
Nobles tended to decorate their clothes with black rather than red embroidery because the latter color was considered peasant-like.
But when he walked down the aisle, dressed in a white shirt with red Palestinian embroidery, 800 fans gave him a standing ovation.