She wore a red bathrobe.
A red bathrobe was observed on an overstuffed chair on the east side of the living room.
The novelist was on his bunk in a red bathrobe, resting against a pile of pillows.
When the familiar red bathrobe bobbed down the aisle with Tony Mustolini inside it there was a cheer from the gallery.
It's the red terry-cloth bathrobe still hanging in Gianni's bathroom.
Then Santa straightened up, and he was not Santa at all, but Robin's mother in a new red bathrobe.
He shrugged his wide sharp shoulders in the faded red bathrobe.
Kingsbury had put on a red bathrobe and turned up the television, in case his wife was at the door trying to eavesdrop.
The next thing Charlie knew, his erstwhile guide, red bathrobe and all, was hunkered down, eyes squinched closed, feeling about frantically on the floor.
'Do you know who that guy in the red bathrobe was?'