The colors of House Atreides are green and black, and their symbol is a red hawk.
He uses gold as the main color in his clothing and flags, emblazoned with a red hawk.
He looked down at his clothing: a black uniform with golden piping, a red hawk at the left breast.
A red Hawk on a field of black.
There is a tourney in two months and the red hawk could win it for me.
A tall woman was moving through the market, her hair shining silver despite her youth, and on her left fist sat a red hawk.
'Unless the Cornovii have taken the mark of the red hawk for their own?'
A giant robotic red hawk with ninja fire magic which forms the head of Senpuujin.
At that moment a red hawk swooped low over the clearing, coming to rest on a nearby bow perch.
I want the red hawk,' he said.