His personal workspace is filled with assorted junk and recycled parts.
So everything must be preserved, from recycled parts to the emotions of this exile- the anger and the hope and the bitterness.
It was framed with recycled parts of old barns and perhaps earlier homes.
How could that be, when the others were running on threads and recycled parts?
If the match is forty per cent or less they might as well get a recycled part on the welfare market.
These days, many recycled parts even come with warranties.
Though most recycled parts are sold to collision and auto repair shops, it is possible for an individual to buy parts this way.
Insurance companies are urging greater use of recycled parts to cut costs.
There are many ships created from recycled parts and hulls that create an 'ugly' yet individual look to each ship.
Prior to 2010, the trophy varied in design and was often made from recycled automotive parts.