They had to be rectangular images.
The above description applies also to a rectangular, non-rotated image which might be, for example, overlaid on an orthogonally projected map.
The rectangular image of the band originally came perforated and could therefore be removed from the "offending" barcodes surrounding it.
There then follow a number of close-ups, of the door, the window and the pallet from above, each a rectangular image although the dimensions vary slightly.
Since these circular tubes were used to display rectangular images, the diagonal measurement of the rectangle was equivalent to the diameter of the tube's face.
Since MPEG-4 can be many rectangular images, the car can be treated as another thing, not being a fixed background.
Most image sources are designed to project a perfectly rectangular image on a flat screen.
One applied use of murray polygons is the halftoning of rectangular images without using dithering or edge enhancement methods.
Near the base of the pedestal will be a tilted rectangular image of the Auschwitz building.
The relation of the width of the rectangular image to its height.