Their briefing room was a rectangular compartment with bare aluminum walls, apart from one large, high-resolution sheet screen.
In the mid-60's her work became more assured, with a series of near-monochromes influenced by Mark Rothko and another of witty, colorful designs painted into rectangular compartments.
Some of the rectangular compartments were fitted with doors.
The sturdy cargo carriers had been laid end to end, like old-fashioned boxcars, creating a chain of rectangular compartments.
The flux capacitor, which consists of a rectangular shaped compartment with three flashing Geissler style-tubes (arranged in a "Y" configuration), is described by Doc as "what makes time travel possible."
The "Lady's Well" is a rectangular compartment of ashlar masonry, 2.5m in length, 1.1m wide at the opening, and 1.4m high.
The subjects, dogs, were put in a shuttle box (a chamber containing two rectangular compartments divided by a barrier a few inches high).
The barrel vault of semi-circular section was used for smaller buildings and was generally divided into rectangular compartments, with brick construction supported on wood centering and then filled in with concrete.
I got a standard pair of khakis, though with multiple pockets - the safari-photographer kind with the big rectangular compartments with zippers and velcro, two on each leg.
Over the wall, of one of the rectangular compartments, constructed in the centre of the castle during the Caliphate period, archaeologists retrieved a green, manganese bowl.