The health care provider will perform a rectal exam and look at a sample of the rectal (anal) tissue.
Patients may also notice protrusion of rectal tissue while having bowel movements and may need to push it back in manually.
Each stroke jolted the plug, which scraped her rectal tissues deliciously.
The prolapsed, inflamed and edematous rectal tissue may even show visible worms.
This morning, the surgeon general removed traces of limestone from the rectal tissue of your President.
Complications may include necrosis and ulcers of the rectal tissue.
A chronically prolapsed rectal tissue may undergo pathological changes such as thickening, ulceration and bleeding.
Applying granulated sugar on the exposed rectal tissue can reduce the edema (swelling) and facilitate this.
For this test, a small piece of rectal tissue is removed and examined under a microscope for the presence of nerve cells.