Drake, up until that point, suffered some memory loss, and by undergoing sensory deprivation and having them restored, he decided to recruit teenagers.
Human rights and church groups accuse them of forcibly recruiting young teenagers, kidnapping children as young as 4 and executing suspected right-wing paramilitaries after secret trials.
Pirri, José's middle brother, who is much bolder, introduce them to Rogelio, a local professional crook, who recruits teenagers for his criminal activities.
Other marketers, particularly youth-oriented firms, have put up Web sites recruiting teenagers to serve as "secret agents."
Abetting this violent streak was a deliberate Khmer Rouge policy of recruiting young teenagers and children as young as ten or twelve as fighters and cadres.
People who recruit teenagers, train them and arm them must be stopped.
This is partly because gangs intentionally recruit teenagers, but it's also because young people are very susceptible to peer pressure.
They performed genetic screenings across the country and recruited all children and teenagers who were gen-positive, usually indicating that they were the children of a Gen 12-member.
Movie industry documents show that some Hollywood companies routinely recruited teenagers and children as young as 9 to help evaluate R-rated movie projects.
So the government contractor plans to recruit teenagers at high schools, vo-tech schools, even church groups, to train them for careers in working safely with weapons of mass destruction.