On his return to Africa, Fairbridge worked for two and a half years for a Mr Freeman who was recruiting locals to work in gold mines near Johannesburg.
It was another to attempt to recruit locals to their cause.
During Kalakani's short rule as king, Laqqai was given support in the Northern Tajik and Uzbek communities and thus he recruited locals to fight across the river against the Soviets.
Till the local budget got tight, and they decided to recruit locals.
Les helped to convert an old barn into a wildlife hospital on the islands and he recruited locals to learn how to treat the animals.
They recruited locals as common foot-soldiers known as 'lang' (lanun) to set up their fortresses.
Unlike the previous seasons of Man v. Food, Richman would recruit locals of the selected cities to take on the food challenges, while he serves as their coach.
If you recruit locals to your cause, their acquired immunity will keep them relatively safe.
Portena completes his "technology demonstrator" ship and awes the local shipwrights with its performance and begins construction of the actual ships needed for their voyage and recruits locals for the voyages.
It turns out that a group of German soldiers were forcefully recruiting locals for a work detail near Beijing's Chung Wen gate, were Cheng's shop was located.