The end result is that more permanent public recreational access has been created for Maine people and our visitors.
In particular, this means that recreational access to the range by outsiders is severely restricted.
The location provides ample professional opportunities for students, as well as superb outdoor recreational access and a strong cultural scene.
Under the agreement, the public retains recreational access to the land.
New fences blocked public recreational access to the riverfront.
"We haven't cut off recreational access," said Larry Bingaman, vice president of corporate relations.
Adjacent to the north is the mouth of the Hanalei River, where a public boat landing provides recreational and commercial access.
It is designated as a multiuse trail, offering recreational access to the routes, and is open to the public.
The expansion of recreational access to the river through new roads and docks has remained a controversial topic in recent years.
The family can continue limited industrial logging and the public will still have recreational access, although there are no plans to transform the land into a park.