Her mother, Katherine Larkin, is a recreation therapist at the Springfield Retirement Facility in Philadelphia.
"I think it's about music," said Dominique Gean, 26, a recreation therapist at United Cerebral Palsy.
A recreation therapist chimes in: "The patients really like it.
A professional full-time staff is on the premises, including a registered nurse, a social worker, certified recreation therapists and 50 trained aides.
Donna Provenzano, a recreation therapist at Children's Specialized Hospital, said the children there were excited about Ms. Hennebach because "she got so close to them."
AIDS patients are treated by psychiatrists, social workers, and arts and recreation therapists in addition to doctors and nurses.
His mother is a recreation therapist at the Wedgewood Care Center, a nursing home in Great Neck, N.Y.
A former singer, radio show host and recreation therapist at a hospital, Mrs. Davies said she had never considered being a teacher until she had her own children.
Schneider is a recreation therapist.
Rakima Henderson, 25, a recreation therapist, said she had been wary of Mr. Booker's promises and worried about his lack of experience.