On 4 October, the recovery crews began moving the bodies to the temporary base established at the nearby Jarinã ranch.
When the recovery crew arrived two hours later they found the capsule was filling with water from the seven foot swell.
The recovery crew looked it over and it appears to be in working order.
In the process, the recovery crew found numerous valuable artifacts including an assortment of 24-pounder and 6-pounder shot.
The recovery crews were horrified to find bodies, some of which may have fallen from the trade center, in the area around the Winter Garden.
This would be ejected at the time the main parachute was deployed, and would help recovery crews find the spacecraft after it landed.
After the crash recovery crews found 9 bodies floating; the rest of the bodies sank with the airliner.
There were green-clad sailors further forward - a launch or recovery crew - and Zuiden wouldn't have gone near them.
Nearly half of that was skimmed up by recovery crews, and no slicks were found along the shoreline.