A second recording location, Spiral Studios, is listed in the album notes.
The city had also been the recording location for Bowie's latest studio album, "Heroes" (1977).
Mute used Berlin as a recording location at this time.
The elimination of registration also eliminated a central recording location to track and identify copyright-holders.
Thus, each of the listener's eardrums is driven with a replica of the auditory signal it would have experienced at the recording location.
Also explained is the peculiar recording location of the album:
The arena also served as the recording location for The Doors album:
EMI determined that although the facility was one of the best recording locations in the world, refurbishment would be too expensive.
Throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, it was the preferred recording location for many of the era's leading artists.
The band chose the title in respect to the recording location, the Paramour Mansion.