There is no standard position for this reference; it is, however, at a different position than the "recording" electrodes.
Slice work under a microscope also allows for careful placement of the recording electrode, which would not be possible in the closed in vivo system.
In the presence of bundle branch block or ventricular hypertrophy, the depolarization impulse takes a longer than normal period of time to reach the recording electrode.
The backward pathway usually includes a back telemetry voltage sampler that reads the voltage over a period of time on the recording electrode.
Alternatively, the recording electrodes may also be used to pick up the electrical activity of a muscle innervated by that nerve.
Bipolar stimulation is generated at the stylomastoid foramen, while the recording electrodes are attached at the terminal ends of the nerve near the nose.
We were going to use the latter - extracellular recording electrodes.
The current clamp technique records the membrane potential by injecting current into a cell through the recording electrode.
Oxidation and reduction is accomplished by changing the voltage at the active surface of the recording electrode in a process known as "scanning".
These local currents result in larger changes in the electrical potential between the local extracellular medium and the interior of the recording electrode.