These recordings demonstrate two things.
And in recent years, his recordings of both the piano and orchestral literature have demonstrated that he has a great many original ideas to express.
Two new recordings demonstrate the different ways Mr. Bacharach is perceived by jazz musicians.
Johnson's recordings and piano rolls demonstrate his powerful rhythmic drive, light touch and breathtaking inventiveness.
Even their earliest recordings demonstrate impressive instrumental technique ("some of the most complex instrumentation you're ever likely to find in punk rock").
The following recordings best demonstrate the various aspects of Ponselle's voice discussed above:
The recordings also demonstrated that the gastrocolic reflex is uneven in its distribution throughout the colon.
Howlin' Wolf is often overlooked as a harp player, but his early recordings demonstrate great skill, particularly at blowing powerful riffs with the instrument.
His newest recording amply demonstrates his talent for writing hit pop songs.
Howlin' Wolf's early recordings demonstrate great skill, particularly at blowing powerful riffs with the instrument.