The signals were brought on cables to a Quonset hut, where they were displayed on fifteen oscillographs and recorded photographically.
The ruin was recorded photographically as part of the Historic American Buildings Survey of the National Park Service cataloged at the Library of Congress in both 1936 and 1939.
Where greater senstivity and speed of response was required, the mirror galvanomter deflected a beam of light which was recorded photographically.
During rotation the cell passes through a collimated beam of light from a high pressure mercury lamp and the emergent beam then travels through the optical system to be recorded photographically.
This was also the time of the introduction of tapestry into spatial designs such as "Landscape activities", which were a form of performance to be recorded photographically.
She was beginning to understand. . . . She returned again to Destaine, read his words so often they became almost photographically recorded.
John Dowd, a respected avocational archaeologist from Nashville, was contacted and after vising the location started the first photographically recorded excavations at the site.
While orthographically projected images represent the three dimensional nature of the object projected, they do not represent the object as it would be recorded photographically or perceived by a viewer observing it directly.
In De Forest's system, the sound track was photographically recorded on to the side of the strip of motion picture film to create a composite, or "married", print.
In the later system, the sound was represented as a track alongside the pictures in which the audio frequencies were photographically recorded as variations in brightness.