The accident remains the greatest recorded loss of United States midshipmen in a single event.
This was the 14th recorded loss of a C-130 to all causes.
In 2009 there was a recorded loss of 700,000 Euros.
Their first game of the tournament was against Poland which they went on to lose 23-0, which would also be their largest recorded loss.
On December 14, the single day's recorded losses around the world exceeded two hundred billion.
The recorded losses were one Gladiator and eight Italian aircraft; many more were damaged.
The recorded losses for all of last year were more than $2 million.
The total recorded loss to date on the Games is $44 million including underdelivery of audience guarantees.
A loss of €3.3 million in the second quarter of 2004 was the airline's first recorded loss for 15 years but the airline became profitable soon after.
Total losses, and start and end dates for recorded losses, vary for both sides.