The record-high price for a residence in Litchfield, set in 2001, is $6.3 million, which was paid for a newly built 7,000-square-foot house on 75 acres in Washington, one of the county's 26 towns.
The Energy Department predicts that by April, consumers will be paying record-high prices for gasoline in much of the country.
Despite hundreds of millions of dollars in antismoking advertising and record-high prices, a resurgence in domestic cigarette sales is providing some of the nation's largest tobacco companies with their biggest gains in years.
Homeowners who now hope to cash in on the boom by selling their homes at a time of record-high prices are potential voters, but only if they plan to remain in the county.
Philip Morris Meets Expectations Despite antismoking advertising and record-high prices, a resurgence in domestic cigarette sales helped lift profit at Philip Morris by 6.8 percent, in line with estimates.
The United States Geological Survey's best guess is that even at today's record-high prices - in excess of $50 a barrel - just under 7 billion barrels could profitably be brought to market.
Prices for corn and wheat raced higher yesterday, pulling soybeans along, on heightened fears of summer shortages after Government reports showed that record-high prices have done little to slow demand.
If motoring costs have gone down, then this is only because people have responded to record-high prices by buying more fuel efficient cars.
As Rhode Islanders pay record-high prices at the gas pump, oil company profits are skyrocketing.
The company is flush with cash because of the record-high price and demand for iron ore in countries like China and India.