They photograph their subjects in as neutral a way as possible, usually recording them head on with a large-format camera.
It is a set of techniques that typically analyze the video sequences in real time and are recorded with a stationary camera.
The video shows Imbruglia lying on a bed topless, as well as recording herself with a camera.
Because Connie's version was recorded with a camera, it was later re-mixed in order for the music to be heard better.
Recorded with a digital camera, so set your expectations accordingly.
Machine vision is generally accomplished by recording an image with a camera.
At an audition, casting agents will ask the model to demonstrate different poses, which a photographer may record with a digital camera.
We all know, as dreamers, that dreams are genuine experiences, even if they cannot be recorded with a camera or a tape-recorder.
In making his survey, Mr. Studenroth visited each cemetery, recording the condition of the graves with a camera, computer and notebook.
Not a "perfect victim," the filmmaker confronts her attacker, recording the conversation with a hidden camera.