In January 2013, the company announced record results for the previous year with 112% books growth.
At the business unit level profits should be on a par with last year, which was a record result.
In 1974, his record results are 99-4, three majors and 15 tournament wins.
Excluding 2009, the year of the financial crisis, this is the seventh consecutive record result.
The company also reported record results for the fourth quarter of last year.
The film, publishing and cable divisions all reported record results.
In 2006, its unit sales grew 9.5 percent, to 905,188 vehicles, the 11th consecutive year of record results.
A handful of people representing employees from around the Group who each helped the company to achieve its 1992 record results.
At that time, we had 500 votes in favour, which was a record result.
It was the sixth consecutive year of record financial results.