It was recorded on several occasions during their European tour.
Several interesting observations have been recorded by Green on different occasions, some of which are highly instructive from a practical or scientific point of view.
In these circles such was the preoccupation with final utterances that some were recorded on occasions when silence might have been preferable.
Wolves have been recorded on numerous occasions to actively seek out black bears in their dens and kill them without eating them.
Since 1950 the work has been recorded on numerous occasions, in both the amended and original versions.
During historical time unusual activity was recorded on several occasions during the 9th century, but reported eruptions in 1251 and 1938 are considered uncertain.
The female usually lay a clutch of 1 to 2 eggs, though 3 have been recorded on rare occasions.
There was a priest class, whose actions Digger had recorded on several occasions.
Three versions of this medley were recorded on different occasions in 1960.
Poisoning of food and water has been recorded on several different occasions.