This year, 50 land sales were recorded in the first six months.
Companies' stocks are included (or removed) based on the largest average turnover recorded in the last six months.
The trio recorded their debut album in the early months of 2002.
Indeed, some analysts note that most of the 3,300-plus strikes recorded in the last three months were settled within days, and without violence.
The band recorded their first full length album in the first two months of 2007.
It was recorded in the early months of 1997 and is self produced.
The area is part of the 41st Precinct, which recorded 17 killings in the first six months of this year, the police said.
But revenue in the period just ended was down 40 percent from the $5.9 billion recorded in the first three months of last year.
Runco last recorded net sales as a private company of $54.6 million in the 12 months ending March 31, 2007.
Analysts have been saying that consumers were unlikely to sustain the spending pace recorded in the first two months of the year.