He is also trying to revive trade links by using some of the battalion's $495,000 in reconstruction money to start a microloan program.
The reconstruction money is an important policy tool in Bosnia.
Democrats plan to propose separate votes for military and reconstruction money.
Providing reconstruction money for tens of thousands of homeowners and small businesses that did not have federal flood insurance on their houses or buildings.
Several senior Democrats are planning to demand an accounting of international cooperation before they approve the reconstruction money.
There's no treasury, no ministry of finance, no central bank, nowhere to put the reconstruction money.
An amendment in the Senate version of the bill actually expanded the pot of reconstruction money his agents could examine.
Commanders say attacks dropped off after the Americans used overwhelming force to root out insurgents and began pouring reconstruction money into the city.
The burden of reconstruction money has not been shared out as fairly as originally intended.
And the federal and local governments have moved far too slowly in providing the necessary reconstruction money and building guidance.