That recommendation calls for manufactured homes to withstand winds of up to 120 miles an hour.
The recommendations call for an initial injection, a second shot a month later, and then a third injection 12 months after the first.
Another recommendation calls for using the Komsomol-controlled press to "subject to critical analysis" the views of unofficial groups.
Another recommendation in the report calls for the preservation of open space.
Even small amounts can help, but typical recommendations call for a 5 cm (2 in.)
Currently, recommendations call for three doses of the vaccine to be given over six months.
Perhaps surprisingly, the recommendations will not call for slower sailing.
The original recommendations called for Eielson to be drawn down to a warm status.
Another recommendation by the legislators called for moving 18 high-ranking officers out of administrative jobs and putting them into the field.
Lastly, this recommendation calls for reflection on the issue of bilateral agreements.