There can also be recommended termination of medical treatment for incompetent adults by a physician.
For one of the employees, the Army report recommended "termination of employment" and revocation of his security clearance.
In my report to the President, I will recommend termination of the Crusoe Project.
He may well have recommended termination.
As for not recommending termination, that's true.
The DMC has the power to recommend termination of the study based on the evaluation of these results.
If the caseworker concludes that the recipient is no longer eligible, he recommends termination of aid to a unit supervisor.
The new budget proposed by President Reagan recommends termination of a $45 million program to assist older foster children in their transition to independent living.
"There's no effective intervention, and they're not serious enough to warrant recommending termination," he said.
The monitors can recommend termination for teachers who do not improve.