Depending on the site, the strain and the extent of the infestation, state officials can recommend remedies from burning to spraying to quarantining the grove.
One prosecutorial tactic involves following the chain of command after a plant manager, for example, conducts an environmental audit, finds violations and recommends remedies.
Find a practitioner who can address your diet and lifestyle and perhaps recommend herbal remedies.
Economic Committee Formed He spoke after presiding over a meeting by a newly appointed committee that is supposed to recommend remedies for the ailing economy.
This committee of civil servants was to assess its causes and recommend remedies.
Do you recommend soy supplements or other natural remedies?
Other countries - for example, Canada and Finland - do not recommend remedies unless levels are more than five times greater.
The clinic checks vehicles for emission levels, recommends remedies and offers tips on maintenance and care.
He wondered whether the ifrits could recommend additional remedies, but decided to leave well enough alone.
It is said that as Secretary he always had a prescription pad handy, recommending remedies to treat minor ailments for both colleagues and members of the press.