The audit recommended lowering the rankings of 14 of the 16 schools, and said Houston's school system should be ranked unacceptable.
Due to the findings from more recent studies, some recommend lowering the cutoff levels that determine if a PSA value is normal or elevated.
Citing 56,000 emergency room visits each year for overdoses, an FDA panel recommended lowering the approved dose for adults.
"Captain, I do not recommend lowering the shields," Worf said.
First, 60 percent relative humidity is high for cold weather, so I would recommend lowering this to below 45 or 50 percent.
An S.E.C. report will recommend lowering the minimum quote for stock prices to 6.25 cents, from 12.5 cents.
Changes in Other Rates Senator Bentsen had also planned to recommend lowering the capital gains rate to a maximum of 23 percent from the current 28 percent.
The nine-member commission recommended lowering the age.
The commission recommended lowering city tax rates, effective this year, to prevent the higher local tax bills that would otherwise result from the Federal Goverment's elimination of many deductions.
That's why the new federal dietary guidelines recommend lowering sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams a day from the 3,400 milligrams most of us eat daily.