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Mr. Stark recommends delaying eligibility for Medicare to the age of 67 in annual steps beginning in the year 2000.
The American Rabbit Breeders' Association (ARBA) recommends delaying breeding of female rabbits until they reach the senior weight range.
The military was expected to recommend delaying further withdrawals of U.S. troops once the surge troops are withdrawn.
Other experts recommend delaying elective circumcision until after paraphimosis has been resolved.
In the meantime, if any contemporary novelist has a "great" work under his belt (or her girdle), I'd recommend delaying publication until after the millennium.
In fact, Dr. Enders and other scientists recommended delaying the licensure, not the field trial, of Dr. Salk's inactivated polio vaccine.
Other guidelines recommend delaying the initiation of insulin until fluids have been administered.
The public sector trade union UNISON also recommended delaying the full launch.
The matter was discussed with Morton Thiokol managers, who agreed that the issue was serious enough to recommend delaying the flight.
New federal guidelines issued this week recommend delaying drug therapy for as long as possible because of the toxicities of the drug combinations.