It also recommended continuing the recent trial, by giving a third, or booster, shot to the children.
It announced the scheme a success and also recommended continuing with higher investment in support and business advice.
The experiment was counted a success, and the International Committee recommended continuing them every four years, with a limitation of a thousand participants.
"I just cannot recommend continuing these expenditures when the city has many other pressing needs," Mr. Tallman said.
Psychologists recommend continuing to share your feelings with your children about the violence they saw, and the events and issues that provoked it.
Instead, the panel recommended continuing smaller studies to test the safety of the vaccines and to evaluate the immune reaction to them.
It will recommend continuing the policy of prescribed fires, or deliberate burns.
One word recommends stopping the currently playing music, another recommends continuing more of it.
But he recommended temporarily continuing the program, the course that Mr. Kemp chose.
While we would not automatically recommend continuing a dating relationship with this kind of person, sometimes there is a good outcome.