The Committee further recommended openness with the children about their genetic origin.
The company had many things to recommend it: about 1.5 million paying customers, a solid brand name and a big share of a growing market.
In 1970, another state study group recommended that by 1980 Connecticut buy and preserve 300,000 acres, or about 10 percent of its land area.
One cookbook recommends about 11 ounces of fish per person.
I am very proud to have been able to recommend just about every one of the above comments.
There is nothing to recommend about this hotel.
Mr. Bush was prepared to recommend spending about half of that amount, he said.
She recommended about ten months after the indictment that Winfield be released, without bail.
I started using it and recommending it about a year or more ago.
Although about 2,000 people live in the areas recommended for evacuation, only about 600 left their homes, the officials said.