Smith was often recognized by significant facial scarring due to a grizzly bear attack along the Cheyenne River.
He was easily recognized during his stay at the zoo by all his fans due to his white face, black legs and red body.
By around 1920, Pacific hurricanes were officially recognized due to widespread ship observations, radio service, and a newly created weather network in western Mexico.
Candidacy status was not recognized by the EU in December 2010 due to the long-lasting political row in the country.
Churchman became internationally recognized due to his then radical concept of incorporating ethical values into operating systems.
It is because of this that atmatusti, as a fourth source, is not recognized by most scholars due to the lack of legitimacy.
His stories are very easily recognized due to his unique drawing style, his pictures being extremely detailed.
Her character is easily recognized due to her large, reflective forehead, which is often the object Yohko's insults.
They are also recognized as student athletes due to their vigorous schedule and amount of work that goes into it.
They are also recognized due to a depressed head, an occipital process extending backward to contact the pre dorsal plate, and a very long fontanel.