He recognized the courage behind that bright, cheerful expression, but no hint of her total aloneness showed in her voice as she looked back at Hastings.
He is, he says, a different person, able to recognize the courage and selflessness in regular people.
A gunfight breaks out, and the villagers, recognizing the courage of the gunmen, soon join in the fight.
He named Chiclayo "the Heroic City" to recognize the courage of its citizens in the fight for independence, a title it still holds.
Justice Kennedy ought to recognize the courage of those who stand up for their constitutional rights.
She added: "I recognize the courage of my father.
Thurston recognized the courage his enemy was displaying, but Lord was he dumb!
Mr. Clinton pleaded with his audience to recognize the courage it took to propose politically unpopular measures in order to lower the budget deficit.
Moreover, society, which often views recovering alcoholics and addicts as "impoverished losers," will be able to recognize the courage it takes to overcome this disease.
But from reading the paper, you came to recognize the courage Warren Duliere had.