The award recognizes "initiatives or new inventions that have had recent impact on or hold particular promise for satellite communications and society, and stand as distinguished examples of innovative thinking."
The IGCW award recognizes outstanding research and initiatives in green chemistry and engineering to promote innovation in cleaner, cheaper, smarter chemistry developments that have been or can be utilized by the industry to achieve pollution prevention goals.
Katerva is a UK based non-profit organization which promotes sustainability by recognizing initiatives around the world.
The Derek Bok Public Service Prizes recognize creative initiatives in community service or long-standing records of civic achievement among degree and certificate graduates at Harvard University.
Chief's Award for Excellence in Policing - Recognizes exceptional problem-solving initiatives that have successfully addressed serious community concerns.
The awards recognise the innovative and outstanding programs and initiatives from across Australia, and the important work of Australian environmental leaders.
To date, Honoring Nations has recognized 102 exemplary tribal government programs, practices, and initiatives and held four tribal government symposia.
The survey has been conducted to promote the Mayor's 2012 Safer Park Award which commends the city's best social spaces and recognises effective anti-crime initiatives used within them.
Case studies in live projects IIITM-K has been a pioneer in conceptualizing, developing, implementing, commissioning and servicing some of India's well recognized IT initiatives in Education, Agriculture and E-Governance.