It has never had the income to pay debt service on its second mortgage, which the Federal Government does not recognize for rent-setting purposes.
However, Secretan's works are generally not recognised for nomenclatural purposes because he did not use binomial nomenclature consistently.
I say 'called' because English Law does not recognise any special right of public meeting either for political or other purposes.
However, stage names are never recognized for official purposes.
However, 36 states also recognize the fetus or "unborn child" as a crime victim, at least for purposes of homicide or feticide.
Unlike in the United Kingdom, Australian whips do not hold official office, but they are recognised for parliamentary purposes.
Unmarried partners are recognized for certain purposes in legislation: e.g., for means-tested benefits.
This, since about 1918, has been recognized for practical purposes as following the course of the Upper Yangtze.
It may or may not be recognized for governmental purposes.