One of the most recognizable characteristics of Kansas City jazz is frequent, elaborate riffing by the different sections.
One of the most recognizable and entertaining characteristic of Barred Parakeets is that they enjoy bathing and being misted with water.
Britishness was once a universally recognizable characteristic: diffident, self-effacing, stoic, decent, white, male.
An easily recognizable characteristic of this cultivar is that the male bracts and flowers are not shed.
Cartoons, sitcoms, and political campaigns conjure up characters with a single, instantly recognizable characteristic.
The most recognizable characteristics of this species are its head and hood.
One of Zaimont's most recognizable compositional characteristics is her use of complex rhythms and sudden meter changes.
The color of wine is one of the most easily recognizable characteristics of wines.
It suggests that the key recognizable characteristic of a concept of holism is a sense of the fundamental truth of any particular experience.