The state granted Corderius a retirement pension in recognition of his 12 years of service.
This prestigious promotion is in recognition of Machado's 25 years as a black belt instructor, competitor and champion.
On 3 July 1934, he received an illuminated manuscript in recognition of his 31 years of service to the club.
Mr. Denis, meanwhile, has the recognition of his years in the Assembly.
Even so much allusion as this to that family shadow, she felt, was an immense recognition of her ripening years.
Duffy said that they are planning another trek, as well as an album, in recognition of their 20 years in the spotlight, reported Sun online.
Michael Keary In recognition of his years of work for the society.
The new formation released an album entitled, Twenty, in recognition of their 20 years performing together in the band.
He received many awards from a wide variety of organizations in recognition of his many years of service.
In recognition of your years of service, I will make you this offer.