Upon various parts of her naked, reclining body, especially the more sensitive areas, he places little mounds of gunpowder, then sets fire to them.
A mattress is a large pad for supporting the reclining body, used as or on a bed.
Another shows five reclining bodies, floating dreamily against the indigo depths of a starry sky.
Seht stared at the reclining body behind the glass.
Richard finally came to the edge of the bed to peer over Graham's reclining body.
A blur of livid light is slowly revealed as a reclining, unclothed body.
Jessica draped herself across my reclining body.
But then her eyes rested on the reclining body, a younger version of the one she had known so well.
He traces her reclining body on a slab with white chalk, adding colors as he goes.
At one end, the neon limned the reclining body of a woman.