It was something I had been both dreading and expecting from this reckless man.
How reckless and selfish men were to indulge in killing games.
Only an extremely reckless man would risk his life and goods on this road through Zingara.
They were brave, reckless men, and traveled with their lives in their hands.
These were not reckless men, unconcerned with the possible consequences of their travels through time.
There was a key to be used only by a very reckless man, one who had nothing to lose.
Wrong; it would be a reckless man or woman who would offer a patient these drugs.
He was not a reckless or thoughtless man, however, and he had his own name to think of.
I do not like to live in hiding, but neither am I a reckless man.
He knew the reckless men of the 212th, they had been in his division at the front.