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"But in a recessionary period, the odds for a lot of them doing that are going to be low."
The probability that only the larger organizations will have the financial resources to ride out recessionary periods.
Consumer sentiment has held up relatively well for a recessionary period, and stock prices have rebounded strongly.
He also researched past recessionary periods and found that holiday sales rose an average 6.8 percent in the third Christmas season after the recession.
But he has not proposed an increase over the last five years, a recessionary period when both welfare rolls and state budget gaps have ballooned.
'In a recessionary period fuelled by high interest rates, control of borrowings is vital.
Historically, bonds have outperformed stocks in recessionary periods and that would be the reason for this decision.
"No one in Nassau County will lose his or her home due to the inability to pay taxes during this recessionary period."
That was a year of a national election, of lower interest rates and an upturn in housing starts after a dismal recessionary period.
For example, demand for new automobiles tends to increase during times of economic prosperity and decrease during recessionary periods.
GM's foreign rivals gained market share especially following U.S. recessionary periods while the company recovered.
As for the way Mr. Antun is conducting his business in a recessionary period, he said: "We have gone back to basics.
"Recession" also has its offspring: "lingering recession," "recessionary period" and "growth recession."
The New York Times states that the poor economy of the late 2010 recessionary period has led to the return of the Burger Wars.
It then entered a recessionary period of scaled-down planning, indicated by archaeological evidence of the reuse of existing structures with slight modifications.
When asked how accurate the Levy forecasts have been, David Levy said: "We predicted every recessionary period in the years from 1960 to 1985.
"In this recessionary period we will now be able to create some jobs in the construction field," said Joseph N. Mondello, Hempstead Town presiding supervisor.
Indeed, many of the taxes cut or eliminated this week were imposed in 1989 and 1990, a recessionary period when Mr. Cuomo's fiscal leadership came under sharp criticism.
THERE'S another measure by which things appear worse today than in the recessionary period of 1990: how much lenders are recovering after a company emerges from bankruptcy.
As the center of influence along the coast began to shift northward during the 2nd century, it is possible that Paltos experienced a recessionary period between the 3rd and 4th centuries.
AllAdvantage ultimately fell victim to the sharp decline in advertising spending as the dot-com bubble burst and the U.S. economy entered a recessionary period in mid-2000.
"Our forecast assumes relatively little impact from a slowing economic environment, as the camping division of Coleman has historically shown little effect from recessionary periods," Ms. Weber said.
Mr. Roche expects "recessionary periods," or quarters, next year in which growth will decline in Italy, Scandinavia and possibly in France and Spain.
"If we were in a recessionary period, where class distinctions are more on the surface, there might have been more of a dialogue about that," said Don Sipple, a Republican strategist.
To do this they set aside profits during boom periods to supplement recessionary periods, as well as temporarily contracting employees to other companies as outsourced labour during recessions.