Novel selective drugs such as DS-1 should prove useful in the study of this receptor subtype.
This presumed structural homology can be used to guide site directed mutagenesis studies of particular receptor subtypes.
It has actions at several 5-HT (serotonin) receptor subtypes.
Both natural and synthetic ligands can display varied affinity for different receptor subtypes.
This receptor subtype appears to be involved in the downstream response to cocaine in the brain.
Experiments into the function of the receptor subtypes involve mostly genetic knockout mice.
These four receptor subtypes are further classified based on their ability to either stimulate or inhibit adenylate cyclase activity.
When only the transmembrane regions of the receptors are considered, however, the amino acid similarity between the two receptor subtypes is approximately 68%.
Both in mice and humans, the genes for the various receptor subtypes are located on different chromosomes.
Editing is also thought to function in cell surface expression of the receptor subtype.